Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wildlife Tourism

"The program achieved its goals of improving tourism, creating business linkages, enhancing awareness of conservation, and contributing to increased household income in the region."

This article talks about how a program in Uganda has helped tourism increase which in turn "has been a 60% average increase in tourism revenues to the UWA; a 27% average increase in household income; an approximately 35% reduction in the number of people living in severe poverty; and an over 20% increase in the number of people whose incomes rose above the poverty line."

This sounds like this program is very good for Uganda and their economic system.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that tourism has had such a big and positive impact on Uganda's economy. That because of this rise in tourism the government is realizing that they need to protect what they have to keep people interested in traveling there. I'm glad Uganda is taking such steps towards education and conservation, I hope they keep it up.
