Thursday, December 6, 2012

Google cash buys drones to watch endangered species

I have posted a lot of articles about endangered animals and after reading this article it give me hope that these animals with thrive. Google really can do just about anything. The technological advances in our world can make endangered species live longer.

"Controlled via a tablet computer, the small autonomous aircraft will photograph poachers and track animals via smart radio tags. The World Wildlife Fund added the $5m (£3.1m) grant would also fund software that could map where poachers strike. And it was developing a mobile DNA sampling kit to match body parts with animals. The WWF said poaching and trafficking of body parts was having a devastating effect on the wild populations of some species, setting back decades long conservation efforts."


  1. I bet this could dramatically help the situation. I wonder how closely these drones can pin the faces to these poachers. This seems like a really good idea!

  2. It's about time I always thought the methods used to catch and prosecute poachers were really ineffective because you never hear of them getting convicted, well not a lot anyway, I love that this is being developed and really think this will help the situation.

  3. Gooogle really is doing alot of the Tech world, this step could really help how we moniter and track poachers and wildlife. Good Job Google!
