Sunday, December 9, 2012

Nelson Mandela "looks well"

I am sure many of you have hard about the recent hospital visit of Nelson Mandela. I posted this article because Mandela was such a big part of South Africa and what it has to offer. South Africa looks at Mandela as a God, he has done a lot of great things for his country and I wonder what will happen when he eventually kicks the bucket. Will South Africa be any different with him gone? Will any other president be able to live up to the standard he left? He is 94 years old, a nobel peace prize winner and was the first black president of South Africa. Mandela has had his share of medical problems lately and it is just something to keep on top of. I think it is funny that this article talks about him "looking well" while in the hospital, I mean really, who looks well when they are in a hospital?

"Mr Mandela was taken from his home in the rural village of Qunu, in Eastern Cape province, to hospital in the capital on Saturday. Local media report that the decision to move him was taken so quickly, some family members and his own foundation were initially unaware it had happened.
Mr Zuma's office said on Saturday that Mr Mandela was doing well and that there was "no cause for alarm", but did not give details about the reasons for his admission. Mr Mandela needs medical attention "from time to time which is consistent with his age," the statement added."


  1. He is definitely a icon when someone talks about South Africa, it really does go hand in hand. He's one of the few people to see the aparthied fall, and witness its struggle for equality. It's a sad sight to see such an icon age, but it is part of life.

  2. An update is available at here, apparently he has a lung infection. The man is truly a hero who has gone above and beyond the call of service.

  3. Just from studying sports I learned how important he was and still is to South Africa, especially it's black population. His legacy will not soon be forgotten

  4. It's so hard to accept that this man is nearing the inevitable end to his incredible life. It will be a sad day when Mandela is gone but I believe his legacy and the good work he has done for South Africa and the influence he has had on the World will not go away.

  5. I agree, its sad that this man's once incredible life might be coming to a close soon, but to see all of his work that he has accomplished is truly amazing and his work will be always endure.
